Energetic efficiency in Buildings

Customer: Cifo Sta Coloma de Gramanet, del SOC | Location: Sta Coloma de Gramanet |

The main exercise of the course is based on the fact that the students can learn about the most common materials and construction techniques applied on construction in order to produce the calculations and the justification of the energy demand of the thermal envelope of a single-family residential building between party walls, provided by the trainer, and using the procedure of the prescriptive calculation option (simplified option).

The object of the course is to train the pupil into the management of the efficient use of energy. That’s the reason why the students are teached in the evaluation of the efficiency in the installations of buildings, in the energy certification processes and the efficient use of energy, through proposals of improvement that must have the required quality to fulfill with the current regulations and with the established safety criteria.

This training course is aimed for both, people who are temporarily unemployed because of the economic situation and people who are currently working, and also for freelancers, who are interested in improving their knowledge during their working life: continuous training.

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