Territorial Center of Geological Institute of Catalonia

Customer: City Council of Tremp - Geological Institute of Catalonia | Location: Tremp, Lleida | Year: 2012 | Surface: 1,250.00m2

A simple and powerful volume, over elevated from the street's slope and surrounded by a skin of Corten micro holed steel plates, sets the building's image. The counterpoint to its massiveness is achieved through perforations and emptying the southern part of the parallelepiped, which enable access and good ventilation to basement and the rest of the floors of the building. It is a construction of metal frame installed "in dry" from the interior elements, as well as from the external ones, formed by an integral wall of cement cellulose plaques, where are anchored steel plates micro holed Corten. The mentioned plates have three different types of holes, which draw a simplified picture of the geological map of Pallars and Alt Urgell. The building has a high energy rating [A] thanks to measures for saving energy and to the use of geothermal technology to refresh and heat the building, as well as for the hot water production of it. The project is a co-authory of Javier Pena, Manuel Ortiz and Jorge Urbano [Oikosvia architecture_sccl].

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