Ephemeral Architecture

We design and develop the project which will better fit to the artistic, functional and aesthetic needs of our client, adjusting their ideas to a closed budget.

We structure our services in the following sections:



We collect and study the aesthetics and functional dates, in the case of scenery, or the features of the product which has to be exposed, in works of stands and exhibitions, as well as legal, functional, constructive and budgetary needs to comply by the space. Together with the project manager and the technicians of light, sound and costume, we develop one or several proposals at the level of prototypes (models or 3D images) and adapt it to different sequences of "Storyboard" if needed.



Development of the chosen proposal to reach the complete definition of the space, with the distribution, furniture and finishes that will establish a strict budgetary control completely defined in the execution of the work, always with the complicity of the client-manager of the work.



We study the offers received to assets the customer about which of them has a better relation quality-price. During works, we undertake an exhaustive control in execution, adaptations and final disassembly, to ensure the quality and fidelity of the construction, avoiding, functional, aesthetic and budgetary deviations.

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